Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mass Chaos, Sheer Pandemonium & Utter Disarray

Mass Chaos, Sheer Pandemonium and Utter Disarray...that is the state of my house right now. At least that's what it feels like in my head when I'm thinking about it...then I open my eyes...NO, no i was right the first time, it wasn't in my mind it was reality...

My cats have gone crazy...LOCO...it's kind of like they suddenly developed ADHD...and I decided to medicate them with CAT NIP (aka: cat crack), then I told them they got extra points for climbing every piece of furniture in my house and racing full speed, trying to trip their humans...and probably they thought it was a good idea to meow incessantly at nothing...and jump on each other's backs and try to bite one another's heads and constantly jump on the counter and knock things off just for the heck of it...and if it happens to be a glass full of liquid WELL THAT'S A BONUS...and I don't know which furry @$$ decided they should gnaw through a box of little debbie cupcakes and take ONE BITE of each frickin one then drag the rest to various corners of my house so that I would miss one and step on it...and well the bathroom counter-that's up for grabs of course I would want them to knock all the bottles, mirror, various crap in the sink...AND OH I FORGOT the huge basket of tampons that they decided they must pick out one by one, then toss to each other their mouths, then scoot to each other with their paws and finally finish off by using their talon-like claws to rip them to shreds...

I just want to say, SERIOUSLY what is wrong with you?!

Tonight alone I have had to exile Studley Dudley to the bathroom (which I use for timeout) and all the while he's meowing LOUDLY, scratching at the door and totally freaking out. This makes Jay-Jay and Mercy stand on the other side of the door looking all concerned and scratching trying to get IN the bathroom because they hear their comrade in trouble...so...I open the door and throw them all in time out and I sit on the other side of the door listening to the drama unfolding inside...Jay-Jay running around the edge of the jacuzzi tub until she inevitably jumps in with a huge crash taking the towels on the corner with her...Mercy landing on the counter and proceeding to push every single thing into the sink...or the floor...or OH BONUS she got my deodorant IN the litter box...and then there's Dudley and he's just running around in circles ecstatic because he pitched such a fit and threw such a tantrum that he got his two sister cats landed in time out with him!

Just like the youngest to ruin it for everyone...

1 comment:

GretchenandJosh said...

so... tip of the day. don't read this blog in class. you WILL burst out in laughter....although its just what I needed on a stressful day.