Tuesday, April 21, 2009

COOPER month 10...AND month 11...

So pretty much I have sucked lately at this blogging thing. I blame you and all of your cuteness and the fact that I want to spend every waking moment with you, not on the computer! But years from now when you're reading about your young life and you question why I combined month 10 and month 11 basically I'll have no good answer...

It's sad too because I don't even remember what all you were doing last month because this month you've totally mastered all these new skills and you've overwhelmed us with your abilities!

Now you can drink from a sippy cup. At first I thought you didn't understand how it worked. I tried it with juice...then water...then a different kind of juice and you just didn't act like you could get any so I gave up...then in good mommy fashion I tried it with coke...you guzzled it...then I tried tea and you gulped the whole thing down so BASICALLY you fooled your mommy...you knew exactly HOW to use the cup you were just waiting for something that you actually liked in it...

You can stand alone now! You still haven't taken any steps (at least none that I know about, who knows, maybe you walk around at ms. karen's and your gran's) but in my presense you only stand there all balancing, all adorable and melt my heart!

You now say "hey" and throw your little hand up in greeting but because you're a little country boy it comes out sounding like "hiiaaaayyyy" your daddy called you his little nasal redneck. IT IS HILARIOUS!

You love to torment the cats by laying on the couch and then grabbing them as they walk by. You never tire of this game...thats more than I can say for the cats...

Your most used form of mobility is crawling...FAST. Grandma made the comment that you could crawl faster than she could walk!

You now open cabinets and shut them. Open and shut. Open and shut. Another game you love.

Your grandpa frosty and your daddy are still your favorite people on the whole planet...

Next month is your very first birthday and I am super excited about planning your party! I can't wait. But I'm also a little sad because you're growing soooo fast! This time last year you were still in your mommy's tummy! I can only say that for a few more days and then you'll officially be a big boy, no more infant! But good Lord how I love you, my little boy. I could never explain it...I could never portray it...I just have to hope and pray that I show you every single day how I couldn't live without you. You complete us...

Happy almost birthday my big boy Cooper!
your mommy

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