Wednesday, September 10, 2008

from the archives of my life: Cooper Levi Craig

~i went to the doctor on tuesday, may 20th for my 39 week check up. dr. reynolds checked me and said i was dialated to a whole 0...this was disappointing since i was hoping for at least a 7 or 8...(haha)...anyway so he wanted me to have an ultrasound to see if the baby was still head down. they did the ultrasound and he was head down and also estimated to weigh 9 1/2 lbs! WOW so anyway i met back with dr. reynolds and he said that probably the reason i was dialating was because the baby was so big he was having trouble moving down and putting pressure on my cervix making me dilate. so...he said he didnt think i was going to go into labor on my own and asked me about inducing. i was scared but ready. he told me to be at the hospital the next day at 6:30 pm! ahhh this is really happening (at that point i was a little freaked out...i mean i wanted the baby to get here but i felt like there was a ton of stuff that i needed to get done)...

~wednesday, may 21...i went to work and straightened my desk, (didnt get a whole lot done) and left early. (i need not to expect to get EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH) anyway i got home took a shower, packed my hospital bag (which according to everyone else i should have done weeks before)...and waited for craig...he got home and we started off to the hospital...(our last car ride as "just me and craig"...)

~i had pre-registered at the hospital so they had my stuff all ready and showed me to my suite...(okay so maybe it was just a labor and delivery room but it was NICE)!!! dr. french was there and she put in the cervadil...(not a nice feeling)...

~somewhere throughout the day i should have eaten...i had half of a chicken sandwich at one point but it was long gone and now i was hungry and stuck as a ward of the hospital and all their rules...(since i also hadnt really drank anythink the IV suckkkkked...its like all my veins had shriveled away) even though i had asked dr. french about eating and she had said "no food" the nurse was nice enough to call and ask again and she said "okay maybe a little food" had a zaxby's zalad AND an order of fries...

~by 8:30 i had a room full of people: craig, mom, dad, bec, angela, leann, gretchen, trudy, ricky, grandma...was that all?...oh and the occassional nurse...we all hunkered down and watched american idol...

~everyone (except craig) left sometime throughout the night when it was obvious there was to be no baby yet...

~the next morning, thursday, may 22, i got an IV started of pitocin. i had heard this started contractions fast and furious but they wernt really that bad. just an achy feeling in my back and a crampy feeling in my belly...

~i was able to get up and sit in the rocking chair for a little bit...this is when the fun really started...i felt this really weird sensation and then all of a sudden stuff started coming out of me! it was this gush of gooeyness, kind of like wetting your pants but ickier and more and it just kept coming...we called the nurse...(i went into the bathroom to change and apparently while i was in there my lovely family- i know gretchen and becca-were betting that i had just wet my pants and my water had actually NOT broken BUT the nurse checked me and it was the real deal!

~at this point im hoping that Bud will be like "hey what the heck happened to all my goo?! and start to make the magical trip down the slip n slide of my birth canal...

~i was still not dialated hardly at all, maybe like a 2 or 3.

~the nurse said i could get an epidural anytime so i went ahead and ordered one around 12:00, 12:30. (the contractions were starting to hurt more and since i knew i definitely WANTED the epidural i didnt see any point in laying there in pain...

~the epidural wasnt bad at all. not like the stories i had heard! i had the most awesome anathesiaologist (i know i spelled that wrong) ever! craig sat beside the bed in a chair and i sat on the side of the bed with my feet inbetween craig's legs facing him. the needle going in itself was nothing more than a prick and i was sitting there thinking "why do people turn this down"?!?! it hurts a lot less than the contractions and my contractions were far from being as painful as i know they would have gotten!

~so anyway with epidual in place i was bed-ridden which had its ups and downs...sucked being stuck but at the same time having someone come in and catherize you so you dont have to get up a pee every 15 minutes was a nice change...the epidural was awesome! i felt no pain but at the same time could still move my legs. (not a whole lot but enough that i could help scoot myself up in bed or change positions or even make them do butterflies so that i could prove to my nurse that i would be an efficient pusher and that i didnt need the epidural turned off...(sometimes apparently if you cant feel enough to push they turn the epidural down or off and i did not want that happening to me...)! at one point becca made fun of me because i saw this lump and i poked at it trying to figure out if it was a pillow or my turned out to be my leg...

~dr. reynolds came and checked me...i was a 3...

~also at this point i couldnt have any food, any water not even any ice chips! sucked! they did bring me a cup of ice with this sponge that people were allowed to dip in the ice and sponge over my mouth...mmmm refreshing

~oh and it sucked so bad because gretchen had brought me QUESO compliments of josh and i couldnt even eat it! i even asked the nurse if we could just dip the ice sponge in the vat of queso and dab that on my lips but apparentely thats not allowed!

~by supper time we had another house full...craig, joann, mom, dad, bec, grandma, nanny, poppop, trudy, ricky, gretchen, angela, leann and eric...i still think im forgetting someone but hopefully not...

~all the troops ordered dipper dans and ate in the waiting room...

~at one point angela had to leave...she had to go pick austin up so she said she would be back after joey got home...

~about 10 minutes later after angela left (im thinking around 8:45 pm-its kind of a blur) dr. reynolds came in to check me again and i was only dialated to a 4. not great news. ~now let me take a minute to give a shout out to dr. reynolds-he is awesome, if you need a ob/gyn it doesnt get any better than him~anyway his honest opinion was that this wasnt going to happen naturally for us...the baby's head was big, my body wasnt dialating and things just wern't adding up...he was willing to let me labor for a few more hours but he still thought i'd end up with a c-section...because i trust him completely and basically I WAS READY TO GET MY BABY! i asked when he could do the c-section...(thinking he would probably say first thing in the morning or something like that) instead he said...IN ABOUT 20 MINUTES......gosh i really do love that man but anyway...

~he went out to tell my family (aka: the mob) and my grandma told him to take care of me and he said "only the best for his ladies"

~me and craig had a few minutes alone...our last few minutes before our huge life changing event...he dressed in scrubs (which by the way he looks HOT in! yummy, im going to get him a pair of those to wear around the house...and maybe a stethoscope...WAIT where was i? oh and craig's special was hard not to cry...not that i was sad but its just so emotional but we both did really good, i couldnt have asked for a better help-mate!

~soon people were scurrying all around. the OR team was paged and started showing up in record time, poking, proding and getting us ready.

~all of the fam came back to say goodbye (and angela who hadnt even made it all the way to cleveland when leann called her, drove to cleveland turned around and made it all the way back before i went in...can you say LAND SPEED RECORD...

~we all said our goodbyes (sounds kind of morbid...) took pictures and then they took me away (craig had to wait out in the hall for them to get to me ready (which im pretty sure consisted of them cutting me open and getting most of my body parts out of my body) BUT ANYWAY

~we got back to the OR which was cold and a little scary. my wonderful anathesiologist was right there with my head in his hands, he even said a prayer with me before they started.

~once the section actually started i was so grateful that i hadnt had even any ice chips because i was still throwing up, luckily just clear liquid but if i had drank or ate a lot it would have been baaadddd....

~i was so relieved when craig got to come back. he sat right by my head and talked to me, he is so sweet! he did awesome! he was so calm and excited all at once and i couldnt have done it without him!

~dr. schemerhorn (the anathesiologist) asked what the baby's name was and we said we wernt sure yet so he started a round of john jacob jingleheimer schmidtt except him, dr. reynolds and part of the OR team inserted their own names, so instead of being worried that part of my guts were laying On Top of my stomach i was laughing at TODD, BRANDON, GEORGEHEIMER SCHMIDTT...they were great! and not too bad singers either!

~i couldnt really feel anything during the operation but just a weird sensation...slight pulling, pushing and weird noises and i knew WHAT they were doing so that kind of freaked me out...ignorance would have been bliss...

~soon the doctor exclaimed WOW he's big! he wasnt coming out of there on his own!

~then the most amazing thing happened, dr. reynolds yelled "IT'S A BOY!" and held the prettiest, goo-covered baby boy over the curtain for us to see. he was absolutely gorgeous from the very beginning!

~they took him to the table and he cried (most awesome sound ever)!

~craig got to go watch them clean him up and assess him and they started putting me back together again. (he did sneak a peak at my insides as he passed the table and NO he did not pass out and NO he did not throw up! he said it was actually pretty cool!

~then they brought our baby boy over to let me see him before they took him to the room. i fell absolutely instantly in love!

~craig and the baby and whitney (most awesome labor and delivery nurse ever)! got to go back to the room and my family got to catch a glimpse of him as they walked by. (by this time the nurses couldnt hold them in the waiting room any longer and they had congregated all the way down the hall)!

~craig got to hang out with baby bud while he got all his first few minutes of life stuff out of the way! (eye drops, weighing, etc.)

~soon (okay it felt like an eternity but im guessing just about 20-30 minutes later) i got to go back to the room and really hold him. i was shaking because of the medicine and just held him a minute before i wanted craig to take him back, i was afraid i'd drop him!

~we had some family time, just me, craig and baby bud and then we let the troops back in to actually see him for the first time!

~everyone held him and got pictures taken. craig made sure my dad was the first to hold him which i thought was sweet!

~i was pretty zonked because of the morphine and phenegrine so the rest of the night was kind of a blur. i know everyone left but craig. the baby slept beside me in a bassinet thing so i could reach over and make sure he was still breathing!

~by the next day i was begging them to turn the morphine off. i would rather have a little pain and know whats going on then be drugged and not have a clue!

~so by friday night i was narcotics free (for the most part) i still got a shot of something, cant remember what but it didnt make me foggy so that was good!

~we didnt officially name him until saturday...he got to be baby boy sexton for awhile but finally we decided on COOPER LEVI CRAIG...craig in honor or his daddy, levi in honor of God (you can get the whole story from craig but it involves the levites and levitical preists and how they didnt need part of the land because God was their portion...), and cooper just for him!

~cooper is awesome, we couldnt ask for a better baby! i love him so completely and i love craig more now than i ever have! it is absolutely amazing and i thank God for both my boys everyday! cooper is such a blessing, its like God gave me a tiny part of heaven to keep right inside my heart...

~i'll end with this:

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